Make a tax-deductible donation to help underwrite the banquet so 100% of the money raised will directly support Billings Catholic Radio. UNDERWRITE EVENT
Donations may also be mailed to: Billings Catholic Radio Attention: Fundraiser Sponsor 939 Grand Ave Billings, MT 59102
For more information about the event, hosting a table host, or underwriting please call (406) 294-5250 or email [email protected].
Billings Catholic Radio Annual Fundraising Banquet Thursday, March 27, 2025
"Apostolate of Hope" Special Guest DR. DAVID ANDERS
Billings Hotel & Convention Center 5:00 PM Social Hour | 6:00 PM Dinner
For a successful fundraising banquet...we need TABLE HOSTS!
While we do not charge a fee for tables, all guests will be asked to make a generous gift at our most important fundraiser of the year. Simply fill your table with guests who will support Billings Catholic Radio and share a wonderful evening!
Please let us know if we can count on you to host a table in 2025. Reserve your table Today!